I decided put an end, to enter into this library is relatively new in my city. Although the clerk looked listless and superiority to the customer, do not take your eyes off them, I decided to look for. Find a book for a gift. Meanwhile read and read these little reviews that you try to hook back.
stumbled with this cover of Heaven blue, white ground , the Japanese writer Hiromi Kawakami. My copy is the fourth edition in November 2009. That's what made me read his back. And yes I hooked his subject.
This work is not to know that winning the prize. Two lives, one teacher and one student, who after years of the last class, they turn to cross in an accident. Sharing those little things in life. And this is where the female character is the beginning tells us feel. It is simply a work that gets you. Single, with passion, the crevices of the human soul, working, living, having a life as normal, and on which each passing year.
"... watching the bride and groom never thought that fate would behave so good to me ...."
Sometime this phrase has crossed the head at all. For a long time since a book moved me so intensely. simply gorgeous.
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