Three sleeves guarding me. An oil heater I follow the steps. And my secret weapon is my batamanta under which I drain. I do not know whose fault is it if not preparing the home for the builder or my arch-enemy, the lover of winter, cold calling.
As Builder not fix it, I challenge cold. Cold is hard, not rest, when you least expect it attacks you with impunity. Also start the morning with a run down the hallway of the house from the room to the bathroom, purpose: that my muscles come into heat and cold does not take over me.
Cold leaves no pass. He allies himself with fog and rain, and a very insolent attitude forces you to stay at home or if you do have to carry the fog or even to move the chains.
criticizing And I've already picked up speed. Cold, damn cold you do spent a lot of heat, light, paying more each passing year. Ayyy FrÃoooo are the high, haunting me, you've cast in my house: I'm throwing vahooo, as if on the street
Look Cool, you will not stand. Go away, I got fried. But God is my witness that I will not fall into your clutches malignant. Keep fighting wearing my wool, fur pajamas several animals, a multitude of colorful gloves, scarves, really cute hats, jackets michelin type, using all the heaters that I have. And last but not least, I have 25 degrees in my car in front of you. Do you think, eh Cold. Now I will keep fighting in my sheets of the swan, the two Paduano, and feathers. And I will stand and not attack me when I sleep, I have very bad awakening.
Good evening, I hope you have your own weapons to fight Cold has no compassion.
PS: I received an sms Cool, malditoo, says: "I will pursue until March 21 or beyond if necessary, and know that I've convinced my friends, Rain , fog and snow. I hope on the street, if you dare lol "
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