Thursday, November 25, 2010

Patterns Rag Dolls Emo

Specimen # 10: Christian Del Moral

In Del Moral Christian writes about film from Latin America (and more recently Latin America) from New York One of the big cities global cinema. Out of the enormous efforts to promote Latin American cinema does, Christian finds the balance between the role of film critic as a journalist and art critic. In Christian roots is seen a particular film in the region and an interest in the vanguard of the world, resulting in a very interesting view of contemporary cinema, unique.

1) What are the 15 best films of the 2000-2009 Mexican?

01 .- Y Tu Mama Tambien
02 .- Amores Perros
03 .- The Heirs
04 .- Intimacies of Shakespeare and Victor Hugo
05 .- Silent Light
06 .- The Violin
07 .- Nobody Oye: Perfume de Violeta
08 .- El Laberinto del Fauno
09 .- Zone
10 .- El Hoyo
11 .- Alamar
12 .- Backyard
13 .- Desierto Adentro
14 .- Sin Nombre
15 .- Across

2 Do What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?
There are a variety of topics, such that talk of a trend would be reduced simply to that. I want to know what will happen in the coming years and how they will react filmmakers and writers, to what is happening in Mexico. Still several outstanding issues, some that have not even played in the film: 70 years of dictatorship, the army, the criticism of private institutions, religious organizations and the sad legacy of the PRI in Mexican society.

3) Does the film accurately reflects this period of society?
is always subjective and debatable, ensure that. However, comparison of Mexican television, I think the theater often takes risks (artistic and economic) and presents works that reflect sincerity. Furthermore, the increase of documentaries in recent years, speaks of that same need.

4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?
I think there were interesting proposals, but the changes have not reached citizens (perhaps the City, is the exception) throughout the country and therefore to the big screen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Fix A Ripped Leather Couch Seam

Specimen # 9: Mario Solano

Mario Solano, author of is the perfect personification of contemporary film lover, one who, as noted by Ayala Blanco no se educó en los cineclubes sino que con los DVDs, aquél con un gusto ecléctico y amorfo, aquél que devora todo a su alcance. Mario, desde el diseño de su Tumblr hasta su variada (aunque con cierta tendencia hacia el cine dirigido a la estirpe adolescente del cine mexicano) selección de las mejores películas de la década, apesta a juventud.

1) ¿Cuáles son las 15 mejores películas mexicanas del 2000-2009?
amores perros
drama / mex
Pan's Labyrinth
lake tahoe
duck season
going to explode
and your mom also

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?
There is an obvious setting for the lower class and lower middle, in the case of the first migration is one of the most recurrent themes, in the case of the latter is the daily life daily routine.

3) Does the film accurately reflects this period of society?
Returning a little to the previous question, if the film accurately reflects these social problems that affect the lower classes, or at least our perception of these, on the other hand, is this movie everyday daily life of the middle class where we always see in the background hiding this reality daily routine of Mexican society often showing a glimmer of those problems that really affect Mexican society, a clear example of this is narrative voiceover Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN.

4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?
The end of the decade is still very close enough to really judge whether or not these changes reflect because it is obviously too early to identify those changes out of any context.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pokemon Happened Misty

Specimen # 8: David Ramirez

In Http:// David (Rackve, for the guys) writes about the film that surrounds him, he calls it is so rare and diverse, ranging from a kitsch as About a Boy, from comics for film up to the most avant-garde films that come new in the country. Rackve not make distinctions when it comes to movies (hence its top coexist Sariñana and Reygadas) and that's what makes it great movie buff, that means that every film is film.

1) What are the 15 best films the 2000-2009 Mexican?
1) Lake Tahoe (Fernando Eimbcke, 2008)
2) Intimacies of Shakespeare and Victor Hugo (Yulene Olaizola, 2008)
3) Silent Light (Carlos Reygadas, 2007)
4) 5 days without Nora (Mariana Chenillo, 2008)
5) Meet the Head Juan Perez (Emilio Portes, 2008)
6) Duck Season (Fernando Eimbcke, 2004)
7) Blue Eyelids (Ernesto Contreras, 2007 )
8) La Zona (Rodrigo Pla, 2007)
9) Cumbia (Rene Villareal, 2007)
10) Raging Sun, Raging Sky (Jualian Hernandez, 2009)
11) The Inheritors (Eugenio Polgovsky, 2008)

12) I'm going to explode (Gerardo Naranjo, 2008)

13) For free (Juan Carlos de Llaca, 2000 )
14) Murderer seriously (Antonio Urrutia, 2002)
15) Segundo Aire (Fernando Sariñana, 2001)

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?

Actually, no, I'm not a filmmaker (for a moment what I was in college, I made a short zombie), but speaking on this side of the screen, because I do not think there is an issue, you could say that the youth (15-25 years) is the most played, but there all, family dramas, action, theft, there is an issue that concerns most.

3) Does the film accurately reflects this period of society?

is difficult reflect society as a whole, some parts of them if seen on screen, but I think it takes themes and cities appear in the film.

4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?

do not understand this question, but I'll try to answer, politically speaking, it is handling corruption and drug trafficking, socially is reflected in unequal societies mostly urban and cultural represents some of the states, some holidays and traditions.

Does The Navigation 328 Play Dvd

Specimen # 7: Luis Varela

In "Comala Macondo" Luis Varela writes of his universe cinema, politics and music, among other things so personally that is free of pretension and full of outbursts of one who feels a passion thing. Could not be more careful (I highly recommend their deconstructions of characters) and full of quirks and obsessions, as he has for the great masterpiece of Wong Kar-Wai, 2046 (my favorite movie of the past decade) or the mysterious, gorgeous and talented mega Gong Li. Luis is one of the great film bloggers in Mexico for the simple fact that living cinema and across the barrier of the common viewer.

1) What are the 15 best films of the 2000-2009 Mexican?
15. Erendira Ikukanari. Juan Carlos Mora

14. Duck Season. Fernando Eimbcke

13. Blue Eyelids. Ernesto Contreras

12. Enlightened Blood. Ivan Avila

11. Out of Heaven. Javier Patrón

10. The Violin. Francisco Vargas

9. Sin Nombre. Cary Fukunaga

8. Los Ladrones Viejos. Everardo Gonzalez
7. Cumbia. René Villarreal

6. Silent Light. Carlos Reygadas

5. El Laberinto del Fauno. Guillermo del Toro

4. The Children of Men. Alfonso Cuaron
3. Drama / Mex. Gerardo Naranjo

2. Those who remain. Juan Carlos Rulfo

1. Y Tu Mama Tambien. Alfonso Cuarón

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?
When you're outside of Mexico for his own ego ... have forgotten where they came out and just worry about translating his name in history.
Those who remained as Ripstein, Reygadas and Escalante, I peorupa the Human Condition. Those who start as Naranjo Tort or have worried about today's Mexico, the streets and the souls that inhabit us ... osease, consistency among our filmmakers there.

3) Does the film accurately reflects this period of society?
No. Final.

4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?
avoiding. the decade is over and very little Estrada begins to portray the life, the result of nepotism policies that Mexico has killed that proud, but not shot or has shot one such transformation, our great photographers working today with the great authors because here are starving. Revolution portrays the way this transformation to ask, but has not been released here, and as things stand, if you get beat Faecal premieres.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ants Living In Laptops

Specimen # 6: Carlos Reyes

Carlos Reyes is a monument in the blogosphere Mexican author one of the most popular blogs on indie music and Latin American cinema in Mexico, . Carlos shines not only an impeccable musical taste, but also a sensitivity analysis capabilities and unique, and is one of the youngest Mexican film critics on the web. Mexacritic founder and a great example to follow for this humble blogger.

Here is the top of Don Carlos Reyes:

1. Stellet Licht (Carlos Reygadas)
2. Duck Season (Fernando Eimbcke)
3. Y Tu Mama Tambien (Alfonso Cuaron)
4. Japon (Carlos Reygadas)
5. Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky (Julian Hernandez)
6. Intimacies of Shakespeare and Victor Hugo (Yulene Olaizola)
7. Battle in Heaven (Carlos Reygadas)
8. Blue Eyelids (Ernesto Contreras)
9. Tropic of Cancer (Eugenio Polgovsky)
10.   Cumbia Callera (Rene U. Villarreal)
11.   Lake Tahoe (Fernando Eimbcke)
12.   Opera (Juan Patricio Riveroll)
13. Heirs (Eugenio Polgovsky)
14. Adam and Eve ... still (Ivan Avila Duenas)
15. Drama / Mex (Gerardo Naranjo)

Bounty Commercial Voicw

Specimen # 5: Gustavo Barrientos

As any moviegoer, the film is part the life of Gustavo Barrientos. In Gustavo writes about film, theater, music, and how these artistic expressions are an essential part of his life. The so personally as Gustav seen the movies and art in general, gives his vision of an unusual freshness in web, away from claims and filled with pure love to the movies.

1) What are the top 15 in the 2000-2009 Mexican films?
I do not know how to put or choose what is best that each has its importance, and I'll tell you why.

  • Y Tu Mama Tambien breaks with an outline of what "frowned upon" by society. A film that shows a youth, as close as possible to reality on a journey of discovery.
  • Amores perros marks the beginning of a series of films more risky by its narrative structure and visual.
  • area Toca social issues with a thoughtful point of view interesting.
  • violet perfume, no one can hear you fememenina and Violence family for moral support.
  • The Crime of Father Amaro Questioning the power of the church and sexuality of priests.
  • From the street Urban Violence.
  • Sex, shame and tears Perhaps the small of conventional film, but you can not take the fact it is the most watched Mexican films having such characters, which in turn are easily identified easily as spectators.
  • Fraud: Mexico 2006 A film with a very strong political bias, but I generate a lot of censorship and irritation in various political foci.
  • Love hurts The teenage love story par excellence. There is nobody who has not seen at least once, for this structure of melodrama to the Romeo and Juliet.
  • Burn the ships An honest film for its sexual themes and the relationship between siblings.
  • Silent Light Priced visual, is as close to the current Mexican cinema. More image less dialogue.
  • Duck Season Characters very close, and also the adolescent's identity process. Its simplicity is its success
  • The Backyard (Backyard) it always will be a topic to talk about. Violence in Juarez.
  • Heaven divided Of the few films to introduce gay characters non-stereotypical.

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?

I think the contemporary filmmaker explores sexuality, but still leaves it as simple perception. Like to take political situation and exercise some thought. But now and beyond tell a story that itself, but to demonstrate their creativity and visual senses. Image now weighs more than a story spun and transcendental.

3) Does the film this period accurately reflects society?

I think society is advancing, but not the accounts.

4) showed how Mexican cinema the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?

The film goes hand in hand with the changes, plus the film did not cause such changes.