The problem of water scarcity that crosses the ecoregions, which Our district is alien and not s;
That this summer, marked by a major failure of this resource and therefore a great depression of the groundwater aquifers;
That means water removal, do not behave at its maximum flow rate;
That result is inserted cubic meters less the distribution of potable water;
that aside of possible rain, the situation is critical in the future, by the time needed for recovery and groundwater reserves, because it is essential to reduce water consumption as a habit to preserve a fragile resource for the common good, giving priority to drinking water consumption;
That given the police power available to the Municipal State, granted by Article 123 of the Constitution - Autonomous Municipalities and also by Article 14 of the said regulations, which states " ... in accordance with the laws regulating its exercise ... "and so the Constitution Provincial Articles 190, 191 - section 4 states "... the administration of local interests and services ..." the Provincial Supreme Court has ruled in their judgments:
Civil and commercial
" Police Power - Reach / Power of police powers of the municipality Municipal-
Police power is the power of the state to limit individual rights in pursuit of achieving the goals of its own, ie to achieve common good ... "CC0100
RSD-SN930623 32-94 S 03/15/1994. Civilotti Judge (SD) FACE: Zacharski Ana c / Municipalidad de San Pedro s / Damages VOTERS Civilotti-MAG-MAGGI VALLILENGUA
That these police power is formed in Article 28 of the Constitution as to regulate the rights (in this case water use);
That having detected a recurrent behavior in the opposite direction and care of the vital, therefore, lack of solidarity with the whole of society, by some contributors (eg irrigation parks, filling pools);
the Honorable Council
Exercising powers, sanctioned strength of
ORDINANCE No. 2301/10
ARTICLE 1: Executive Department is empowered to take forward extensive publicity, both in radio, graphics, television and radio, etc., as to the importance of involving extreme measures that involve the preservation of water resources, giving priority to drinking water for human consumption .-
ARTICLE 2: Priorícese the use of water for human consumption .-
ARTICLE 3: prohibits the watering of parks and gardens (as defined The turf industry in such areas) .-
ARTICLE 4: The plants should be watered only at night. The use of automated irrigation systems (except drip irrigation) .-
ARTICLE 5: prohibits washing cars and sidewalks, except for those car washes , whose leaders must inform the municipality about the precautions taken to ensure resource optimization .-
ARTICLE 6: pools may be filled once per season and maintained the cleanliness of its waters through a system of filters, scrubbers, recycling, etc., According to the specifications that apply. Is forbidden to throw water cleaning public roads .-
ARTICLE 7: Those with self drilling must declare to the Ministry of Works and Utilities of the City of Tornquist , within ten days after the enactment of this Ordinance .-
ARTICLE 8: Contrary to this, are responsible for all persons with physical existence or legal person whose failure to failure was a direct result of his action or omission, or that consents or they be negligent in their supervision.
People of legal existence, may be held liable for faults committed by their agents or persons acting on their behalf with permission or for their benefit, without prejudice to the responsibility that they can correspond.
People Peden be held liable for faults committed by their agents or those acting on their behalf or under its protection with the consent or benefit, without prejudice to the responsibility that may correspond to personally .-
ARTICLE 9 : Once completed the Section 1, Municipal Executive Department is empowered to conduct inspections and impose appropriate punishment for breaches of the rules for the rational use of water provided for by this Ordinance. The fines will apply fines and amounts ranging from 50% of the minimum salary of public administration up to 100% of it, depending on the amount of background facts (eg.: recidivism) .-
ARTICLE 10: The receipt of such violation will be carried out misconduct by the office of Municipal District .-
ARTICLE 11: This Ordinance shall be effective for a period of 150 (one hundred fifty) days, counting from the enactment of the same, extended the duration of water problems .-
ARTICLE 12: Executive Department is empowered to extend it while enduring water problems, Ad Referendum Honorable Council .-
ARTICLE 13: Municipal Executive Department is empowered to regulate this at all matters not specifically regulated .-
ARTICLE 14: Contact, Register and Fulfilled: FILED .-
Algañaraz Skolak Karina Ma Ofelia
Secretary President