The lucky uncorked the champagne, the color of money pervades the news and half of Spain laments the misfortune to have had. In short, the usual. And while I smash my lottery numbers, while the fate trash trickles down, my health keeps reminding me that something is wrong here. "
under my right rib pain plays to come and go. And this game has already lasted two months. I visited the physician, the emergency room, trauma, I have done ultrasound, analysis, X-ray ... and nothing. "My friend is here invited himself to my Christmas. The internist is next on the list of discards. The medicine works well, until the evidence to the contrary, you healthy. With a sore nose, you do not know where it comes from, but healthy. And do not know what is worse, say you have such a thing and remedy it, or you do not say it is, and wait for it to go, if it is clear. I am in favor of the first, but will have to wait. The internist sent me to a CT scan of the abdomen and a more specific analysis on Friday. Daisy defoliating continue until there are no leaves.
The truth is that when you have a trouble of this kind and do not know where it comes from is giving you all think. I must admit that I am in poor health. Unfortunately I have seen more doctors in my life I've wanted to visit. Strange things have happened to me, and people who called me hypochondriac, and that's nothing .... And the last time I had pain that appeared from no where, and called me a hypochondriac, and told me it was nothing .... the thing ended with my body in an operating room in the middle of an operation of two hernias. Also a few years ago I led a mumps inflammation of nerves that I had low almost a year, some symptoms "were not at all" and they took me from doctor to doctor until they found my case on payment by the private. But I recovered that is important. In short, I have reasons to have some panic in this kind of inconvenience. Do not distress me by any of my flu, or for that huge gap my knee, and by that court in the tendon of my left hand, or by .... I'm realizing that I have more points than a basketball game. Being who created us, he had to have created us with a system a little easier to repair. I dunno, some kind of little door that opens into the gut to see what's going wrong. Something like motor cars.
People keep shaking the bottle of Champagne, and the "unfortunate" luck curse ignoring their good health. Being healthy is a treasure, and we do not realize until we have it. The real lottery has touched many more people, the bad is that we still have not learned. I keep waiting my luck. As always, late.
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