Friday, December 31, 2010

Slint Shot Resort In Mysore


If you were to put a title in 2010 would be "intense." Have been 365 days that at times have seemed a thousand and one hundred times. If I did a ranking of the three best years of my life in 2010 would occupy a privileged place on the podium. It was a year that repeats, that will not go. That left me marked. Twelve months in which there have been things that have changed too.

I took my first crush, I got married on a beautiful beach, I was in the Caribbean, met London, I fell in love with New York, I went through three different companies, I started in the wonderful world of photography, I again writing, had with enthusiasm, "My life in your window, "was the first year in a long time I have not tried the drag of a single cigarette, went back to work in an office, I could finally visit Cabarceno, and Senda alive, and returned to the first Peñiscola mini vacation with the whole family. Also see the doctor over the account, and there are hardly any threads that I join those who once were my friends, but it is law of life. The Wii came home, got a new album Room Red, Weezer, Mikel Erentxun, G. Men ... and have painted with their chords the soundtrack of this great year. I have learned to value those who really appreciate me, and I'm back to give it all to the ones I want . I got to order the complete series lost. I became a hoolligan else in that World Cup final in which Spain made me mourn without having any fucking clue about football. I have more intimate with myself. I cried more than any other year of my life. The best day of my life, it stays at this year forever. That magical June 12 where I say with all certainty that I touched the sky with your hands. That has rarely been 2010, and what I'm going to miss.
I wish you all and my heart a happy 2011. Thanks for the magic ... again.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stranne Replacenent Bulbs

A year

is the song for the night. Another year. More everything. Mecano Ana and in this case, again put a soundtrack to my life, and also that of all tonight we like it or not.

It does not matter as we have gone this año.Triste or happy, lucky or not, in solitude or company, traveling or isolated, thinking or feeling, it's time to value. And so I wish all hiciérais, but from an objective viewpoint. When you face life, you never know what you can actually hold and you never know what will come. Just think we've reached the end of the year, now is a good time to ask for things to life. And to think that if we keep fighting these things sooner or later we will.

From this objective, to sit at the table, do not care what you have, and clothing to relocate, while the company is adequate. Give thanks to all, who is past is past. Asking for one more year, wishes, dreams, love, luck, work and good health to enjoy it all.

wish everyone a happy new year for this 2011 from a girl in the window that now sings and sings incessantly that "At the Gate of the Sun, as the year was ....."

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Many Caloreis In A Barbeque Sandwich

Delegación Municipal de Villa Ventana - Registration application

are advised Mr. Cabañas Providers, trade and population in general, the Waterworks Bureau of Villa Ventana and desire to comply with all Water application requests in order to meet the different needs that make the "water crisis", which unfortunately we live in, asks the general population in order that the registration of Water can be done via telephone 0291 -4910227 or 0291-4910001, or in person at the Water Division (Municipal Delegation) and have the following schedule: 7 to 17 Hs "ONLY" otherwise the order goes to cumplimentare respective

the next day.

ask for your understanding.


John A. Bustriazo

Municipal Officer

Villa Ventana

Source News Tornquist

Highlights Hair Extensions

Water Water over the situation in Villa Ventana

walked works and spoke Trankels-Adrián Gustavo Montoya and Luciano Fontanes.

The Mayor Gustavo Trankels accompanied by the Secretary of Public Works Engineer Adrian Montoya and Luciano Fontanes Director of Food Technologists, visited the works carried out in Villa Ventana and discussed the water situation at that location.

Rodrigo Sgammini Note available (18 minutes)

Source News Tornquist

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Can I Find Out Mywhats My Condom Size

small frame.

Winter plays to put a red face all those who climb Stop after stop. The battery in my mp 3 goes on strike. The post-Christmas hangover conversation the pair of buddies who travel ahead of me hammering my head. The bus looks like a canned debate on Christmas Eve: a family quarrel between mother, an emergency exit in the middle of dinner, a barbecue binge, and children who discover that Santa Claus is Uncle Angel .... My poinsettias are not so spectacular.

The Christmas hangover from before the conversation has become a real melee between the egos of their partners.
-As it turns out they are going to rise. My uncle has moved thread and hopefully in February I will be making almost double.
-nice. To me my father stood at the end of the summer. Advantages of being the boss's son .- His smile was a sponge scrubbing the face of his friend.

Conversation longer conversation, and transformed in two speeches delivered at a time. Two issuers where I was the only receiver. The battery I miss my MP 3. At the next intersection the bus stops at the light. The timid sunlight a beautiful metallic gray color of a large Mercedes. One of those smart cars "rich man." Suddenly the couple's egocentric speech "plug" stops.

"Look at the teen slut that the grants, which leads car.
"To know how it got there, I answered the most bald.

Interestingly, and as I indulged in drawing on the window glass with the fog, my sight is lost on the striking gray car. My eyes immediately recognize those hands Marquitos fat black; the driver. It still looked alive and the frown of yore. I remember when he came to Zaragoza with his family because his father's company had gone bankrupt. What he suffered when that autumn afternoon in a traffic accident decided to leave him an orphan. How quickly matured. And up the machine shop he bought with what little was left of inheritance. As left of being in the neighborhood because their leisure time ceased to exist. As was hurting change based hand wheels and engine repair.
His dream was always to drive a Mercedes, and from the bus window I saw him riding on it. Without guys "move thread" without parents who are "your heads" ... Marquitos drives that car because it has poured hundreds of gallons of sweat to get it. "My friends" the seat in front, get the dream that hovers over their heads because his "uncle" and his "daddy" because if the accommodate. The saddest thing is that for them, "the wrestler Mark" will be the son of a bitch gray Mercedes.
That life is unfair and that bad is envy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Guys Wear Ladies Panties


their lights for days that have invaded the city, today we can breathe its spirit. Doña Christmas we visit a year. Comes to pick up a 2010 too old and tired, and spread happiness and sadness of all the souls that inhabit the world. Christmas is something that leaves no one indifferent, or you love or hate.

I personally have had stages. As a child I loved, lived with the illusion of an innocent child all the magic of these dates. We met with my grandparents, my uncles, my cousin was a time to grow .... every Christmas a couple of inches, Santa Sled Playmobil loaded, sleepless nights waiting for Mr big red suit, and filled his mouth letting out a "Merry Christmas" to every adult who crosses your path. Over time those family gatherings were diluted to disappear completely. Ya

older, live these days otherwise. My life began to change too fast. I distanced myself from the spirit of Christmas, and have dates that have returned to conquer me again since I met Maku. With it the Christmas spirit walk through my life again, and again I believe in magic. Again I feel curious about the fat man in the red suit, and the Christmas tree dress up again. I listen the wonderful soundtrack of home alone (wonderful), I become a little happier these days ... I definitely have something special, nostalgic aroma, with good intentions, to paint a smile on your heart desires to fill our faith, and try to be a bit more solidarity ... who will forget the whole thing just start the new year ... but Mrs Christmas will once again, with more buckets full of happiness and good intentions. I wish you all / AS MORE THAN A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HAPPY NIGHT LIFE

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ways To Relieve Pain Of Epididymitis


Honorable Council



The problem of water scarcity that crosses the ecoregions, which Our district is alien and not s;


That this summer, marked by a major failure of this resource and therefore a great depression of the groundwater aquifers;

That means water removal, do not behave at its maximum flow rate;

That result is inserted cubic meters less the distribution of potable water;

that aside of possible rain, the situation is critical in the future, by the time needed for recovery and groundwater reserves, because it is essential to reduce water consumption as a habit to preserve a fragile resource for the common good, giving priority to drinking water consumption;

That given the police power available to the Municipal State, granted by Article 123 of the Constitution - Autonomous Municipalities and also by Article 14 of the said regulations, which states " ... in accordance with the laws regulating its exercise ... "and so the Constitution Provincial Articles 190, 191 - section 4 states "... the administration of local interests and services ..." the Provincial Supreme Court has ruled in their judgments:

Civil and commercial


" Police Power - Reach / Power of police powers of the municipality Municipal-

Police power is the power of the state to limit individual rights in pursuit of achieving the goals of its own, ie to achieve common good ... "CC0100

RSD-SN930623 32-94 S 03/15/1994. Civilotti Judge (SD) FACE: Zacharski Ana c / Municipalidad de San Pedro s / Damages VOTERS Civilotti-MAG-MAGGI VALLILENGUA


That these police power is formed in Article 28 of the Constitution as to regulate the rights (in this case water use);

That having detected a recurrent behavior in the opposite direction and care of the vital, therefore, lack of solidarity with the whole of society, by some contributors (eg irrigation parks, filling pools);



the Honorable Council

Exercising powers, sanctioned strength of

ORDINANCE No. 2301/10

ARTICLE 1: Executive Department is empowered to take forward extensive publicity, both in radio, graphics, television and radio, etc., as to the importance of involving extreme measures that involve the preservation of water resources, giving priority to drinking water for human consumption .-

ARTICLE 2: Priorícese the use of water for human consumption .-

ARTICLE 3: prohibits the watering of parks and gardens (as defined The turf industry in such areas) .-

ARTICLE 4: The plants should be watered only at night. The use of automated irrigation systems (except drip irrigation) .-

ARTICLE 5: prohibits washing cars and sidewalks, except for those car washes , whose leaders must inform the municipality about the precautions taken to ensure resource optimization .-

ARTICLE 6: pools may be filled once per season and maintained the cleanliness of its waters through a system of filters, scrubbers, recycling, etc., According to the specifications that apply. Is forbidden to throw water cleaning public roads .-

ARTICLE 7: Those with self drilling must declare to the Ministry of Works and Utilities of the City of Tornquist , within ten days after the enactment of this Ordinance .-

ARTICLE 8: Contrary to this, are responsible for all persons with physical existence or legal person whose failure to failure was a direct result of his action or omission, or that consents or they be negligent in their supervision.

People of legal existence, may be held liable for faults committed by their agents or persons acting on their behalf with permission or for their benefit, without prejudice to the responsibility that they can correspond.

People Peden be held liable for faults committed by their agents or those acting on their behalf or under its protection with the consent or benefit, without prejudice to the responsibility that may correspond to personally .-

ARTICLE 9 : Once completed the Section 1, Municipal Executive Department is empowered to conduct inspections and impose appropriate punishment for breaches of the rules for the rational use of water provided for by this Ordinance. The fines will apply fines and amounts ranging from 50% of the minimum salary of public administration up to 100% of it, depending on the amount of background facts (eg.: recidivism) .-

ARTICLE 10: The receipt of such violation will be carried out misconduct by the office of Municipal District .-

ARTICLE 11: This Ordinance shall be effective for a period of 150 (one hundred fifty) days, counting from the enactment of the same, extended the duration of water problems .-

ARTICLE 12: Executive Department is empowered to extend it while enduring water problems, Ad Referendum Honorable Council .-

ARTICLE 13: Municipal Executive Department is empowered to regulate this at all matters not specifically regulated .-

ARTICLE 14: Contact, Register and Fulfilled: FILED .-


Algañaraz Skolak Karina Ma Ofelia

Secretary President


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Palpitation In Head, Heavy Head, Head Shivering


The lucky uncorked the champagne, the color of money pervades the news and half of Spain laments the misfortune to have had. In short, the usual. And while I smash my lottery numbers, while the fate trash trickles down, my health keeps reminding me that something is wrong here. "

under my right rib pain plays to come and go. And this game has already lasted two months. I visited the physician, the emergency room, trauma, I have done ultrasound, analysis, X-ray ... and nothing. "My friend is here invited himself to my Christmas. The internist is next on the list of discards. The medicine works well, until the evidence to the contrary, you healthy. With a sore nose, you do not know where it comes from, but healthy. And do not know what is worse, say you have such a thing and remedy it, or you do not say it is, and wait for it to go, if it is clear. I am in favor of the first, but will have to wait. The internist sent me to a CT scan of the abdomen and a more specific analysis on Friday. Daisy defoliating continue until there are no leaves.

The truth is that when you have a trouble of this kind and do not know where it comes from is giving you all think. I must admit that I am in poor health. Unfortunately I have seen more doctors in my life I've wanted to visit. Strange things have happened to me, and people who called me hypochondriac, and that's nothing .... And the last time I had pain that appeared from no where, and called me a hypochondriac, and told me it was nothing .... the thing ended with my body in an operating room in the middle of an operation of two hernias. Also a few years ago I led a mumps inflammation of nerves that I had low almost a year, some symptoms "were not at all" and they took me from doctor to doctor until they found my case on payment by the private. But I recovered that is important. In short, I have reasons to have some panic in this kind of inconvenience. Do not distress me by any of my flu, or for that huge gap my knee, and by that court in the tendon of my left hand, or by .... I'm realizing that I have more points than a basketball game. Being who created us, he had to have created us with a system a little easier to repair. I dunno, some kind of little door that opens into the gut to see what's going wrong. Something like motor cars.

People keep shaking the bottle of Champagne, and the "unfortunate" luck curse ignoring their good health. Being healthy is a treasure, and we do not realize until we have it. The real lottery has touched many more people, the bad is that we still have not learned. I keep waiting my luck. As always, late.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Application Letter For Trainee Nurse

A gastronomical question

If the borders of this, our English land to an outsider asked for something characteristic of our country, bulls say, party, paella and ham .... go for including within the topicazos.

So I comment this news, published in the Diario de Cadiz, whose headline reads "A Muslim family complaint to a teacher for talking in class hams, literally picking up the news. It turns out that in a geography lesson, explaining the climate, speaking of cold weather, it occurred to him as an example Trevélez where good hams are cured, and the student was offended with respect to their religion. The teacher said it was just an example.

Here you have the link so you read it carefully:

I think at this point in the post the words of a professor of history are ample. But I have guts. Thinking about the issue of restaurants, the ham is almost a delicacy, "Jamón, jamón" was that movie where be granted Pe 'and Bardem, but is a matter to report on what comprises offend a religion? I do not understand.

do not understand. What will happen when it comes to the Middle Ages and has to talk about Reconquista, sure blame can always be put to Don Pelayo, or Catholics, about what the fall of the Moorish kingdom. I do not understand. By the same token, when we discuss the discovery, some public sector may feel offended by that dominate the overseas territories. Sure, sure. Then, the English have to keep pissed with bonaparte for that of the War of Independence, and the English for that of Gibraltar, ah U.S. and for that of Cuba and the Philippines, we can follow .... the Chinese with the Japanese, Eastern European countries with Russia, the 1st world against the Third World and ....... more.

course, of course, cuisine, geography, history, is what is written, is what happened (or a way of eating), you just have to accept it and learn from those mistakes of the previous nations. Nations massacred, destroyed, devastated, and spent time all these countries speak a common language of tolerance, inclusion, respect for all people, religions, genders, races, languages, etc, and so is established in the Constitution, education law and clear, of course, common sense tells you. But I still do not understand.

Let's focus on other issues more important than a ham, such as freedom, equality, or the role of women in other cultures. Do not be offended by so little, the ham is not personal, it should be proposed heritage of humanity, at least. And let the teachers use the examples needed to teach their respective subjects, while teaching them how it should be tomorrow's world built for them in democracy, freedom, respect, love, and eating each eat what you want.

In case of a video on the development of Iberian ham:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can A Fistula Heal Itself

water or broth?

Please, I would appreciate if we could report any problems occurring with WATER in Villa Ventana. As we have been away from home for hours this weekend and today (just got back from Bahia Blanca), we ignore developments in the village.

Currently, we are having very low water pressure network, and would like to know if the service is cut off completely for some reason in particular.

also the day we inform you that we have taken the photos 10/DIC 2262 and 2278 and the day 11/dic 2281 and 2282 photos of the water, testimony to the quality of water was supplied to us by network: the day clear brown 10 and completely brown on day 11 of cte. Adj. Photo above (kitchen and bathroom).

Please ask us to explain whether they are individuals or specific incidents occurring that may cause these problems. Or perhaps this is already emerging effect of water shortage to the lack of rain, and we anticipate that we will suffer in the summer. It should be noted that today we do not have the tourist flow HIGH ...

Without more, we welcome atte. Nestor and Aiko

Pd, sorry, I meet to complete the information.
to approximately 20.15 pm, we had a trickle of water until completely exhausted the supply of water network around 20.30 pm.
Please ask them to inform us as soon as possible because we want to know reasons and when we will have normal water supply.

Customize Warrior Lacrosse Pinnies


Development Association Villa Ventana
Ms. Silvia Perez de Clair
S / D

I am pleased to UD. collaborative requesting in character, retransmit the next "PRESS" through the Secretary of that entity, related the same with the water problem, as well as to "NEWS Tornquist." PRESS

hereby are reported to all institutions, Cabañas Providers, Retailers and People in general, due to the decrease of water produced, on Saturday December 11 current and considering Villa Ventana the problem of having full knowledge and made a meeting at a date between Mr. Secretary Works and Utilities, the delegate Municicipal de Villa Ventana, Water Division personnel, staff competence of the Office of Waterworks of the City and Mr. Foreman street services, is to make determined from day 14 December 2010 in 19 Hours 7:30 Hs, CUT WATER SUPPLY, this in order to obtain a better recovery of the tanks.
* Also, from that date, is strictly prohibited from using tap water to construction sites, can those builders who have to give them water containers, to request the Municipal de Villa Ventana, the corresponding provision advance only of 24 hours.; If not take the receipt.
* The application must be made 24 Hrs prior to and understood
hours from 6 to 12 Hrs from Monday to Friday at the Municipal de Villa Ventana.
* In another restriction is requested URGENT irrigation, to the effect that begins on the date to run the system for inspection.
* It is reported that is also strictly prohibited from filling swimming pools, because it set a start date until 15 November this year and the same has been extended until November 30th of this month.
* Finally, it is know that in the coming days to support, the difficulty in which we live, Auto ABSA, carry drinking water and strategically placed fixed 2 tanks, potable water, where the neighbors can make use of the Vital Fluid, informing the date and location in the next release.
SR. NEIGHBOR, we appreciate your full cooperation. MUNICIPAL DELEGATION

Bustriazo. Delegate

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blister Like Bumps On Back Of Throat


Since I was born maintain an intense love-hate relationship with Zaragoza, the city that sees me has seen. The city of which I tried out a thousand times never to return, and there was no human way to achieve it. Always twisting something at the last minute. The last time I tried I brushed my purpose, but meeting such a "Maku" made me change my mind. Precisely, "Maku" is what I like about Zaragoza. Perhaps the only thing. Anyway, today I'm not here to criticize my city. Diving in the blog today looking for their charm. I guess
many of you have been here ever. And you will have known as typical. El Pilar Primo de Rivera Park, Interpeñas (This, interestingly, is very popular among our "tourists"), the Independence Center (if you write well, and above all, he says so. Do not come here and never ask why the "center of Independence" because it sounds really bad. Omit prepositions and articles and be one more of us) ... Anyway. What everybody knows. But today I present my real city. "My Zaragoza." The places I have checked, and where only to visit, I can fly.

CHANDLER STREET. This is my street. I no longer live there, but will always be my street. I grew up here, I cried, I fought, I fell, I laughed .... and above all lived. It is a passage. A white porch. That is where I've spent more time in my life. Smells different. The puffs of air transport me to my childhood. In my memories. If those white tiles could talk, and told everything that has been hatched, and lived there ..... Best get on with your mouth closed. There was the bakery of John, where we put blind us junk food. The bar of Begoña. The local tailor, who always encorría down the street. Lived there my best friends from childhood. I remember that to be in the afternoon, instead of using the doorbell or telephone, asomábamos us the courtyard and we used the vuvuzelas football, as a claim. Imagine the poor neighbor who woke in the middle of siesta. The aroma of my neighborhood haunts me. See ladies pushing their shopping carts. The nieblilla of Christmas Eve morning. The strawberry flase. The Phosquitos of "Eggs pole." Without a doubt my favorite place in Zaragoza.

GHOST CHURCH. It is located right on the opposite side of the passage. In Santa Lucia Street. Before I was surrounded by grass, trees and a fence made it impenetrable. Cats lived there alone. Could easily have a hundred cats following the fence. The neighbors down their food. The church looked around the forest. A jungle cat. The church was abandoned and grew up with the idea that it was inhabited by ghosts of war. Miles was the time we jumped the fence to chase the cats, but within the Church only entered once, and took away the desire to enter more. This place was our movie of Tim Burton particular. A creepy and magical place at a time. Opposite La Plaza. Our second home after passage. When I needed to think or be alone, I curled up under the street lamps staring at the magic of that Church. I spent dozens of stories. I lived within ..... that night that, that deserves an entry just to tell the tale. Promised.

PILAR pumps. El Pilar is an impressive monument. Few buildings in Spain are able to create such majesty that evokes the basilica when you're at his feet. Thousand are tourists who travel along the Ebro only because visiting. It is a place that I frequented a lot. He was very near my neighborhood. But running away from its architecture and history, that is what everyone knows, I introduce myself inside. And in one of the main pillars rest two pumps. These bombs fell during the Civil War and did not explode. The fact of the strategic point where they fell, and the fact that explode, leave the Virgin in pan a wonderful story full of mystery. It's a story I have heard since childhood, and therein lies my true devotion to this site. I am convinced that there is a magic lurking on the flagstones, which has nothing to do with religion. The magic of Pilar goes much further.

CENTER INDEPENDENCE. When I say "Independence Center", I mean everything from Plaza Spain and Plaza Aragón. But I stress in two places. First the shell. A shopping center in a spiral, very famous in these parts. There was some entertainment which was the meeting place when we celebrated birthdays. And when in the throes of puberty, on Saturday afternoon we went on the quarter to tie in the center. We never flirt with anyone. We ended up doing some mischief and home. The second place is the cinema Palafox. Part B plan birthday, there we saw the films that marked our lives. There began a monumental war of popcorn in the intervening even extinct ushers. We saw in my life masterpieces as "Home Alone", "The Ninja Turtles ".... etc. .. The heart of my city, which hides some of the most beautiful moments of my life.

do you know? ... Writing this entry I 've realized that the beauty of a city does not depend on its monuments, or climate, or its people ... The real beauty of a city is in the greatness of the moments you've lived in it, and Zaragoza is really beautiful there.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Taking Seasonique And Have Brown Discharge

Specimen # 12: Alan Coton

Alan Coton is a director and screenwriter SOBA, Nesio, Sofia and numerous short. Coton, according to the audience Paxton Hernandez, "is one of the few contemporary Mexican filmmakers who understand the importance of dialogue." In his films portraying the violence-laden urban Mexico, daily tragedies, stories of impossible love, of worldly characters full of flaws, aspirations and dreams.
Alan Coton, extremely visceral and realistic filmmaker, is one of Mexican filmmakers today's most daring, for his film runs counter to the current formula of Mexican cinema one who is contemplative, as Paxton Hernandez would not understand the importance of dialogue.

1) What are the 15 best films of the 2000-2009 Mexican?
- "Los Bastardos" Escalante, "Adam and Eve, yet" Avila, "The Divided Sky" Hernandez, "Japan" Reygadas, "Second Century" by Jorge Bolado, "And Tu Mama Tambien "Cuarón," El Gavilán de la Sierra "De la Riva," Perfume Violets "of Sistach," So, "Lozano," Real Time "Prada," Fandango "by Sisniega," 24 boxes of terror "Gonzalez," Turtle Family "de Imaz," Erendira, the indomitable "de Mora; "Cumbia" from Villarreal.

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?
"The society that surrounds it and how to reflect in a given system medio0 and / delimited.

3) Does the film accurately reflects this period of society?
- inescapable. There is always an intimate and inevitable reciprocity between cinema and society. The film is an indirect reflection of all the thoughts, doctrines, hopes, desires, prejudices, habits, news, conflicts and environments that are manifested at every turn. But not "just" a reflection, is both a force of transformation own moral, ideological and behavior of that society in a historical context. So his interpretation is so rich for different areas of knowledge, as in every film HISTORY hides lurking, hidden within a complex organization of propositions and economic interests, personal, political and artistic. Unravel it always becomes an invaluable information and understanding of a given society.

4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?
- Our Mexican films were, in this decade (as it always has been, thankfully) quite rich in its various forms, even if sometimes they do not we like or are negative or otherwise too "light" because it showed what we are: our culture, that as such, has been commissioned to reflect and transcend us in any art anywhere in the world. Often heard complaints from some social classes in the sense that most of our film shows "the worst" of the Mexicans, doing more than obvious how much we hate to see us displayed on these screens, easily forgetting that a filmmaker is the son of time and society where they live. We respond to these claims as do the painters: "I just paint what I see. "

Monday, December 13, 2010

Gay Meeting Places At Hyderabad


1997. Two-thirty in the afternoon. My stomach growls like a pack of lions. My day at school was normal. We are not in full review, and can take the days with some reassurance. Have returned to catch me smoking in services. Have returned to punish, as in each evaluation, if I approve, I must take a seven. Susan still does not listen to me. In short, the usual.
When you open the mailbox, see the State seal adorning a huge envelope. Addressed me. The letter reads that I join their ranks. That it is time to do the military. My military! I had always heard my grandfather and my father talk about their big days of military service. So horrible it was for the father of Sergio. The banter that had to endure his brother Raul. And my grandfather's words echoing in my head over and over again: "You will go through military peeling potatoes boy questions a lot and obey little. "wisdom of that voice full of experience wrinkled promised me since I was five years military service to look where you looked, it seemed a foretaste of hell.

I went home with backpack hanging from my shoulder, and the certainty that I was going to a new "Gulf War" pulling my guts. My father soon began to say that it was nothing. That one of the best times of his life were the years of mili. Did your opinion of leftovers. And he knew the opinion of a cousin of "Weird," a doorway opposite neighbor. Six years ago in full military service, he was sent to Kuwait in full Gulf War. He returned safe and sound, and I think from then boil it lacks that everyone says. Or the military service of John the Baker, where we had everything that made them the rookies, and "nice people" who were the sergeants.

That evening I ate. I did not see the chapter on "The Wright Stuff." Susan did not even think. That evening just thought in the military. As if he could interpret a trigger during the war. Sleep in a huge room filled with bunk beds and foot odor. Jogging in the rain in January in his underwear at four in the morning. In a floor scrubbing mileage with a tiny toothbrush. In peeling a mountain potato larger than Everest. In fleeing the country. All my thoughts ended in a leak. Preferred to become a fugitive, a part of that military history. So I allied with the silence. I ran home to buy a train ticket for France. There would be English, I suddenly become French, and therefore would no longer be so terrible commitment to my country. I would move to a small town, and known to a French accent very French, and create a huge family.

I was with a ticket to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bonce there he would find a way to reach France. I spent a sleepless night. Try counting sheep, and without knowing how their wool is turned into military uniforms. I gave him a thousand and one turns to my plan. And I understood that silence was my best friend. The less people knew my plan would be more likely to dodge the army.

As day broke, I took the bag and instead of going toward the school, I went straight to the train station. He arrived on time enormous worm English. I got into the car, and recorded with his eyes the last image that would take me into exile in Zaragoza. It was very probable that he could not come back. When the train pulled out, would be officially a deserter. A fugitive. My face would be hanging a poster in all police stations throughout the country, with a "wanted" below. The train pulled out, there was no turning back. I felt a strange mixture of feelings. On one hand I felt free not having to do military service, to choose the reins of my own destiny. And the other was on his way to becoming a genuine fugitive. The worst thing was that I felt like a coward. But the walls were full of courage that one day had the courage to take a train to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto flee to France forever. This last phrase was a coward who passed a "great hero" in a blink of an eye.

When I was about to be swallowed the last album "The Cure", a hand touched my shoulder. In front of me, "Sebastian." A friend from the neighborhood. Maybe the guy with the biggest mouth on earth. If you had a secret, Sebastian was the last person who should be counted. Sebas was vaunted specialist everything. In twisting the stories to make true works of science fiction. Was my age. Find it at that train made me suspect that he was plotting an escape plan. Just like me.

- How about Sebastian - There was no way to hide. What I wanted to give it, I had those two googly eyes glued to the front.
-hardly knew you. As you now has given all for letting that hair grunge. "Aque going to Barcelona?
"I'll visit a friend .- That is the first thing that popped into my head, and sounded very very wrong.
- A friend?. A friend of what? - Sebas questions began to appear like darts. Each time I was moving closer to the center of the target, and making me feel more and more uncomfortable.
"Nothing, one you do not know. A former teammate of class .- I put all the effort that seemed totally believable farce. But the eyes of bream Sebas became more and larger. Were entertained with great care in my suitcase.
- How many days are you going?
"Three or four .- Sebastian took his Game Boy Pocket, and the melody of tetris silence became owner of the car.
-A suitcase too big for a couple of days .- Sebastian was about to pull the blanket. My plan was in danger.
"Actually I have four things. What happens is that I get the console, and I'm full of video games. How they had rain in Barcelona ...
"Well, I'll pass. Here I have to then catch a train to Girona. I have to swallow the weekend with my father. The pretense of delivering a letter from the military has not cast .- Sebastian had received the letter, and had openly over as he traveled to Girona. His mouth as a mailbox.
"Do not be leaking to get rid of the military ...- ironic laugh I let out half expecting their elusive.
"No, I have no time to worry about that. I am studying two years I have asked for an extension. After those two years is likely to cease to be military obligatoria. "My eyes went to the same diameter as that of Sebastian. I suddenly felt like a real stupid. The imperative with which the letter was worded made me escape logic. I always ask around, and fear made me forget it. Spend a year sleeping on the other side of Spain, as I do race-based man in the rain and scrub floors with toothbrushes, clouded my brain so that I did not see the light of logic or obliquely.
"Sure. I've done-That mismo. sounded totally unrealistic. If my hands were red did not want to think like his face. Sebas So sad, I was giving a lesson in courage.

As I came to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bimmediately took another ticket back to Zaragoza. I lost my savings of the month, a whole day of my valuable life, and once again, I ran out of the little ashamed that I could stay. Of course, I escaped from the military.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kristen Stuart Weight

Specimen # 11: Arturo Aguilar

Arturo Aguilar, film critic Reporte Indigo is part of the new breed Mexican film critics. Not only for her youth or because he writes for a Web site, but also because it has a young and innovative vision of what is good cinema. Arturo also boasts he knows perfectly the scene national film industry. Arturo shown in your favorite movies that has a varied and eclectic taste, ranging from the Reygadas film auteur, with big hits like "Amores Perros.

1) What are the top 15 in the 2000-2009 Mexican films?

(in strict alphabetical order)
Amores Perros (Alejandro González Iñárritu)
Nora (Mariana Chenillo)
Cumbia (René Villareal)
The hole (Juan Carlos Rulfo)
Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro)
Silent Light (Carlos Reygadas)
Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love Will Never End to be love (Julián Hernández)
Blue Eyelids (Ernesto Contreras)
Presumed Guilty (Roberto Hernandez)
Unnamed (Cary Fukunaga)
Duck Season (Fernando Eimbcke)
Tracing Aleida (Christiane Burkhard)
The last heroes of the peninsula (Cravioto JM)
El Violin (Francisco Vargas)
Y Tu Mama Tambien (Alfonso Cuarón )

2) What issues of concern to contemporary Mexican filmmaker?
There seems to be a general trend or collectively. It is in all cases of attention and personal obsessions. Specific comments offered at the end a wide range but not quite varied. There is not much rural and other urban movies. There is much drama and cinema essay, but little social portrait in a tone of entertainment and consumer film (as there are in the English cinema, Argentina or Brazil ... nobody wants to make movies of consumption seems everyone wants to be 'authors') in which the public's being portrayed.
is especially introspective aspects of human and emotional radiographs Mexican context but where the fund does not come to the forefront except on rare occasions. Furthermore, in the current context of world cinema, filmmakers tend to find issues that may be universal but certainly identification with that tone sometimes folkloric of Third Mexican or Latino, or idiosyncratic around here.
3) Does the film accurately reflects this period la sociedad?
Podría decirse que se encuentra a la mitad de un proceso que lo llevará a reflejar mucho mejor la diversidad social y cultural de nuestro país. Si bien aparecen ya cintas con temática hasta antes inimaginable, la inexistencia de cinematografías regionales que acerquen esas realidades a otras zonas del país deja un hueco importante respecto a lo que el cine podría hacer social y culturalmente. Un problema que no es sólo de realizadores, propuestas o producción, sino de las limitaciones que hay a nivel distribución y exhibición para que este cine encontrara eco y espacios adecuados en la cartelera.
4) How do Mexican cinema reflected the political, social and cultural rights of the decade?
With warmth or distance. Critical or deep portrait of social change has not been captured by the film until the last years of this period. Commercial cinema has not been able to offer gender comedies or films (action, thriller) that accurately portray these changes or new social settings and therefore has not found an appropriate echo with the public.
Few tapes that are rescued about either through the satires of Luis Estrada or the work of a few (but very based) filmmakers as Ernesto Contreras, Fernando Eimbcke, Julian Hernandez, but especially in the field of documentary, where Mexican cinema continues to stand out and offering interesting films in form and / or background.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Price Of Ambulance Rides In Ontario

The lizard is crying F. García Lorca

The lizard is crying.
The lizard is crying.
The lizard and the lizard
with white aprons.

have inadvertently lost his wedding ring.
Oh, their little ring of lead,
ay, their little ring of lead!
A large sky without
people in its balloon birds.
The sun, master round
wears a satin vest.
Look how old they are!
How old are the lizards!
Oh, how they cry and cry,
ay! Ay! how are crying!


García Lorca Poetry needs no introduction, the simple things always make us enjoy.