He never said a word higher than another. If tranquility and peace, can attain human form, would be a man of ninety one tall, bald from the age of twenty ducats to smell and had worked all his life as a gardener. Grandpa was always a kind natured. One of those creatures with charisma, able to boot a smile where there was nothing. In fine sense of humor, soft-spoken and soothing voice.
was known throughout the town. There was only found in three places if you looking for: O was in the field, or heading to the bar of retirees, or the bank that had the face of urbanization, philosophizing about life with Ramon's grandfather and that of rattles. Always a listener, not a talkative fellow. He listened, and when everyone finished speaking, he said. Launched a fragrance line with black snuff, and that going to church. Was always right. No gesturing, did not need to rely on gestures to convey his words you trust. Security was in person. He gave the peace of mind being that is back of everything. I knew when it would rain, when it ended. If the spring is going to slow down, and if the birds were going to eat the fruits of the field. Controlled like no other state in the moon, if it was to see whether or not the Little Dipper, and knew when to speak and when to shut up. Silences never said much. He always wore
white shirt, brown pants and blue sandals. From his mouth hung a stick forever. He rode on the back of "deer" (the name by which named his ramshackle bike), and had a barely used R 14, and that lasted a lifetime. As a child, my favorite car was always "the blue car's grandfather."
always had a ham just begun when he received the grandchildren, and it was impossible to stand before him. Waking up when I woke up grandfather was always there, sitting with his ducats against the half dozen cupcakes and your chocolate milk ready. We had a heifer when the people were the holidays, it took the fireworks, we went down pool and forced us to get that huge bubble of cork that kept us afloat. Could be a hundred degrees, that the grandfather or put your swimsuit or bathing. He sat in the shade and we watched in silence.
was glorious night in which the whole family out to dinner because there was a commitment, and grandfather volunteered to stay with me and take care of me. It was a type-safe and must have thought that was a breeze to care for her grandson for a night, and when my parents came for dinner, they found the quiet man, being totally defeated unchanged lying on the bed with a kid jumping over him shouting from the winds "I do not sleep, I want to be mazinger z". The grandfather jumped up when he discovered that the whole family had seen the picture and laughed, and tried to downplay the issue splitting hairs with the sense of humor.
Today, Grandpa still has the same look on the outside. Continues to measure a nineties, still maintains the same sense of humor and has become a warrior. A warrior who fights every day against a huge monster called "Alzheimer's", which has become a child of ninety years. A child who will win the battle against this terrible monster 3 or 4 times a day, and for a few seconds can remember the names of their grandchildren, and those evenings ducats pool and sitting in the shade.
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