My pact with the devil has done. That youthful appearance that always characterized me is slowly petering out as an ice cube in a glass of water. My face begins to draw on itself over the years and has ceased to be hard not to see any wrinkle on my forehead. Live on my ears a couple of gray hairs that play hide and seek every time you look to pull them out. My body is changing. Before he could eat and eat and burn everything, as if by magic, all those calories disappeared from me .... and suddenly, overnight, in the morning, you wake up with your belly threatening you very seriously, while slowly repeated "I'm going to make me very very big" ... and you stare at your navel in the mirror, and that small abdominal curve, not too play with my skinny body. I'm very thin, always have been, and I think there is nothing more unsightly than a skinny kid with a belly. Posts to be belly, I prefer to be moderately obese, but not my body ... seriously threatens to become the very image of ET .. and there if that happened.
While waiting thirty sharpening their knives after the spring, I started running, and on Wednesday visited the endocrinologist for me to wear the proper diet. I think I can avoid becoming ET, but one day my face is full of experience, and my hair full of wisdom wrapped in white locks, and that's inevitable ... Fucking hell.
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