Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sample Request For Donation Letter To The Ch

urgently need a piece of water in Villa Ventana

Hayde Write Nohara

We have received official communication on the subject of ref. indicating new schedule of water supply for Villa Ventana, in attachment and post down below.


In our home the very low water pressure, low volume is the VITAL for water resources, totally impossible that the water comes to our home network, the entire internal network our home (which is a few centimeters above the slope in the road network).

barely managed to get a trickle of water, with lots of air prior to the INPUT our home almost on the street.

With a hose trickle take that turning it over to a drum of 80 liters next to the entrance gate, and then pumped to the tank, the volume that we could make during the provision that is "minor" the officially announced. From the tank, finally, we pump the tank again.

We are consuming enough energy for this process makes us absolute "privilege" to the plight of many others who DO NOT GET WATER AT ALL. And this is because we are on the last street (downhill) of the sector which is fed by Cistern CPT is ± 50 m above. The houses are close to the village tanks , probably will not have good provision for the low pressure.

And our "eternal" Unfortunately (because it has been suffering from lack of water many years ago, according to older people) is that with the rain but obviously we all breathe ALL INCOMPREHENSIBLE immediately forget these AILMENTS DURING FAILURE of the vital and basic living ....

can not understand how we may need to be dependent on rainfall having a AQUIFER LIMITED underground but it's there to provide us and our authorities WE ARE DENYING THE POSSIBILITY OF TAKING ADVANTAGE .

The OBRA in the pine forest, by the satisfactory results were obtained with exploratory studies, have been continuously SHOULD IMMEDIATELY. But in 2009 they have delayed so treacherously that inspires us a lot of suspicion and far more than they are once again postponed to NOVIEMBRE/2010.

¿Why NEGLIGENCE be much ...??? They have done absolutely nothing works, only to put bars on the points and a new well supply days ago in Villa Ventana, according to Mr. Montoya, has come to all of us $ 60,000 .- and that just has a very poor performance 1,200 liters / hour. As also one ABSA truck that is carrying the water "at home" to those who request it but with the delay deductible involved and that produces so much tension in the people who can not wait days to be provided by a truck .. .(¡¡¡¿¿¿...???!!!!!!!!!!).

The proposal that we had presented originally was to continue doing WELL in Villa Ventana to continue reducing the recovery of the Well of Making of the English (???), when the cost of 10 of these wells paupers could, once and specify the pipeline from El Pinar.

¿Why the CORDURA NO FIRST and the SENSE ???????

¿How long will we continue to claim for it ...???

seconds ago it was raining just a few minutes, just stop and the winds will be cleaning other way of bringing it to rain over North fact happens 9 out of 10 as characteristic of this zone at the gates of Patagonia region of transition between the Pampas and the Patagonian steppe. REALITY is prevailing against it and nothing can be done.

So LOGIC and common sense dictate that we must have a WATER WORK URGENTLY to avoid all these diseases that are repeated year after year, unless nature regale us fruitful periods of rain. But the evidence is "screaming" alternating periods of drought across the climate change on the planet. We then ALL THAT PREVENTION ACT.

only ask sanity and good sense to give priority to basic needs and vital as is WATER. therefore can not support or accept both Waste of very limited economic resources are always clamoring public officials as an excuse, but remarkably they turn SUMS SIDEREAL (millions of pesos or dollars) in business (lace-gutter current work in the midst of this terrible drought and we're getting the little water we have left!, asphalt, LPG plant) because everything has to be profitable, and it follows that our lives are not profitable (??????????). wrongly some people in this town of Villa Ventana believe that these real estate business by adding value to their properties without water ... but what value can have any property?? many contradictions that govern the human being ... They are scaring tourism every year ... ¿How will restore the good image of Villa Ventana to welcome tourists ...??

Asphalt MUST NOT BE ALLOWED in our people "saw", not just the style that characterizes so special is the treasure that we should preserve VALUE AS A TOURIST (the beautiful contrast to keep the cities from which all escape on holiday to enjoy the contact with the "earth" nature), but also because it takes away a lot of permeable surface to feed our filtered NAPAS finally give us the DRINKING WATER Well Making of the English, as well as in El Pinar where much of the aquifer this sub is channeled downhill.

hope the answers that people expect REPRESENTATIVE happily come some day, Kind regards.

Haydée Nohara - Villa Ventana.

Source News Tornquist


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