Friday, February 26, 2010

Bleeding After Groin Heart Cath

water is coming!

Neighborhood Assembly announced that he had reached the drilling rig of SPAR (Service Provincial Rural Water and Sanitation) to the area of \u200b\u200b"El Pinar" to perform well exploration / exploitation.

welcome this opportunity to see reflected the long awaited and necessary work for Villa Ventana.

thank the municipal authorities that made itself the continuous demand of the residents, who over a year in the Assembly work is done we requested the Aqueduct Villa Ventana, El Pinar. We extend

our thanks:
-A SPAR Provincial Authorities and the Water Authority (ADA) with whom we have had ongoing dialogue this year of hard work.
-A permanent advisory professionals Assembly: BS in Geology Joaquin Oliver and BA in Geology John Joseph Paladino, residents of Villa Ventana, who have offered further talks open to all people at various Assemblies for the operation of aquifer in this subbasin.
-The authorities of the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) with regard to the geoelectrical performing at the time.

From the Neighborhood Assembly, our work from now on will focus in monitoring the future through their work schedule that we have already requested a note to Mr. Mayor.

Autoconvocados Neighborhood Assembly of Villa Ventana


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