Friday, February 26, 2010

Bleeding After Groin Heart Cath

water is coming!

Neighborhood Assembly announced that he had reached the drilling rig of SPAR (Service Provincial Rural Water and Sanitation) to the area of \u200b\u200b"El Pinar" to perform well exploration / exploitation.

welcome this opportunity to see reflected the long awaited and necessary work for Villa Ventana.

thank the municipal authorities that made itself the continuous demand of the residents, who over a year in the Assembly work is done we requested the Aqueduct Villa Ventana, El Pinar. We extend

our thanks:
-A SPAR Provincial Authorities and the Water Authority (ADA) with whom we have had ongoing dialogue this year of hard work.
-A permanent advisory professionals Assembly: BS in Geology Joaquin Oliver and BA in Geology John Joseph Paladino, residents of Villa Ventana, who have offered further talks open to all people at various Assemblies for the operation of aquifer in this subbasin.
-The authorities of the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) with regard to the geoelectrical performing at the time.

From the Neighborhood Assembly, our work from now on will focus in monitoring the future through their work schedule that we have already requested a note to Mr. Mayor.

Autoconvocados Neighborhood Assembly of Villa Ventana

Friday, February 19, 2010

Flat Black Paint As Primer

Charter LAST TIME to Trankels

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bit My Lip And Now White Spot



15/FEB/10 On Monday, members of the House were threatened with death by an anonymous in one case and a phone call the other, which warned them they had to shut up. The front of the home of one of the victims had been previously shot.

Assembly claims that these events are directly linked to the participation of residents in the claim to prevent plant install a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) on land belonging to Ernesto Tornquist Provincial Park (PPET) and is provided for the Village of Natural Gas benefiting even several mountain villages (San Andrés de las Sierras, Villa Serrana La Gruta, PPET, and individuals).

attacks relate these events in 2009 which were painted the chapel and the shop of another neighbor on fire threats, when claiming a reward for the provision of water in the Village that do not exist.

The intent of these actions is to intimidate the population not to exercise the legitimate right to organize, express and claim.

We demand an inquiry into the facts to give the authors of these cowardly anonymous threats. request a public repudiation of those of both the Executive and the Honorable Council, and delegate responsibility to the authorities for the safety of the people of Villa Ventana to possible future events.


*********************** ***********


For more information on this issue, apply to:

Tornquist Municipality: 0291-494-1075/1105/1204

Honorable Council, Municipality of Tornquist

Security Secretariat, Municipality of Tornquist

Police Delegation Villa Window: 0291-4910-252/102

Police Delegation Sierra de la Ventana: 0291-4915-009

Regional Bahía Blanca

Court No. 7 by Dr. Olga ERRO, Bahía Blanca

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gay Hook-up Spots In Miami

Letter to Mr. Montoya, a neighbor concerned about the lack of water

Published in the Observer Serrano - Saturday 6 February 2010

Toronto Gay Hokup Spot

The response that people expect their representatives

Observer in Serrano - Saturday February 6, 2010

Soul Eater Power And Love


Following the press release for information from the drinking water network of Villa Ventana, it informs the public that since the Arroyo Del Oro water where it is located Making of the English, usually slips over the damming of stone, there have been no outages to maximize the resources that would otherwise be lost.
When this phenomenon is over, if there is no more rain, it started with scheduled outages at the beginning of the season.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pink Skin Tag On Dog Lip

Act of Assembly on Thursday, February 11

Reading of Minutes above.
It reads the note issued to Mr. Mayor and City Council, as agreed at the previous Assembly on the issue of water. Blog published in the Neighborhood, once filed, the copy of the input seal of the municipality. Motions

- The Assembly resolves to oppose the installation of the LPG plant Pcial parklands. E. Tornquist
- It was decided to sign the registry Opposition Tornquist, considering that it was not answered our request made to the Executive Department of the Municipality for note with 120 signatures requesting the transfer to the Delegation of Villa Ventana.

Bushnell Elite 3200 Swfa 2009

Charter a neighbor published in News Letter Tornquist


views on the statement of the Society for the Promotion of the water situation in Villa Ventana

I, the undersigned of this letter, a citizen who belongs to the community of Villa Ventana.

I was very appealing to read a statement issued by the Association Development and Culture of Villa Ventana arrogate the representativeness of the inhabitants of the Villa , stating that they did by "consensus majority of the population "(sic).

I must say that there was no assembly members who voted, no census or survey to say such a thing (just decided among the few people in the executive committee of that institution.)

In October 2009, about 30 persons belonging to "the community" who claim to represent, completed as indicated in its statutes the application for registration as members of that organization promotes. To date, despite repeated requests, we have not had any response or acceptance or rejection. There is a silence bordering on disrespectful because we are good people, with no negative history.

That said I will discuss "criteria" (sic) of the statement.

--- When referring to "the lack of some services, specifically NO GAS is paramount that we lack.

all have gas, the same who want to provide network (LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS AND NATURAL GAS NO) in the form of cylinders, tubes or sows.


But it seems that members of the Development Association need not water but gas.

---- The installation of the gas plant with zeppelins, venting, etc, etc, depending on the project will be located in the Park Pcial. E. Tornquist, damaging native grassland ecosystem and its particular endangered species, and the consequent danger of fire. Besides that 10,907 Provincial Parks Act is prohibited.

---- distribution network, have to pay the frontage compulsively that for a first stage, would total $ 5,000 per parcel to date. The interest granted by the municipality to those who require funding are usurious, while BAGSA intends to present the total cost of work to finish it and therefore do not know how much amount to what we pay until then.

---- The concern promoted by schools, first aid room, service providers, older people (who can not afford it), etc, it seems that just begins to gas, when NOT HAVE WATER FOR BATH, WASHING UTENSILS OF DISHES, ETC.

---- The initial cost is not amortized prácticamene anything, because of having no permanent benefit guarantees LPG we consume, we will be progressively more expensive everything.

----¿¿ talk about fire salamanders or wood stoves ...?? These facts have been less significant over the years, and usually occurred by human error.

all want to make services better and better. But services such as quality works that provide drinking water, natural gas for which we have available a pipeline in Paso Funke less than 20km from Villa Ventana.

For further information, we suggest you refer to Blog Villa Ventana Neighbours and

Silvia Baschuk

LC 5440880

Villa Ventana

Source: News Tornquist

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cinematic Orchestra To Build A Homesheet

a neighbor to Mr. Montoya

Dear Mr. Montoya:

of your municipal report dated 04/02/1910 (adj.), we make next question and we ask you to answer it.

"Does it follow from your announced that the "flood the Arroyo del Loro" has entered the surface water or groundwater to the Well of the English??

Only thus could explain the presence of so much mud in the water for our RED Villa Ventana, and the very significant volume of water that has been providing all day 03/FEB date uncut and with great pressure, where the previous day there was almost nothing of water in the Red and the heavy rain occurred on the morning of 03/FEB.

Obviously, over time, the layers are gradually getting a bit of leakage of any water from rain, but how long is estimated replacement of groundwater with rainwater filtration?? We have heard many versions ... from days to months ... but never heard they recovered within a few hours ...

Also, this would entail a "major surface water contamination" of our entire water system, and our pipes with internal tanks and cisterns.

had been the case, consider surface water and groundwater has been constantly exposed to the droppings of cattle and horses scattered throughout our sub on private land around it have been incorporated into your property without complying with streams shore-line regulations.

Therefore, we focus on pollution by PARASITES so hard to detect and combat, and which in very few places do the respective analysis, as you have shown us in previous session (as you mention us places Inst Malbrán indicated in Buenos Aires, a laboratory in Delhi and do not remember the third), and even emphasize pollution with pesticides used on crops on a large scale, as done in all fields of our area. We ask you

URGENT bacteriological, parasitological and CHEMICAL to the effect that the population is informed on the "current" (these days and not later) water that is providing us.

Also, cut is negative pressure in the Water Network. Therefore, it is logical that if there are broken underground pipes in the network, as the magnitude of the breaks, can lead to leakage of water with mud in them. Amen to the significant volumes of water are lost daily in the various breaks that are detected in all Villa Ventana.

For the latter, also calls URGENT network sanitation Villa had already been promised and we have no evidence that this has been going on except for serious cases that are present in everyday life. Waiting

favorable and specific responses and FACTS and not in words, welcome atte. Mr. Nestor

Cospito and Haydee Nohara - Villa Ventana

Female Athletes Showing Camel Toe

Neighborhood Assembly at Plaza Ventana Villa Salerno
04/FEB/10 THURSDAY - 20.30 pm Plaza Salerno

1) Maintain set to FIXED on Thursday at 20.30 am for the Assemblies of Vecinos de Villa Ventana. Remarkably, as an emergency, may be called a unique call announced by the means available.

2) voting was available for the Assemblies of Neighbours will remain "open" to all neighbors or public officials such as city council members, etc.

3) NOTE request the Municipality for a schedule of works in the short and medium term with clearly defined dates, amount, etc. That it is in writing and be made public at a meeting with the Executive, Public Works and agencies intervene. In the same way that the commitment and follow-up by the city council.

4) was designated for renewal vote of Oral Newspapers spokespersons being allocated: Antognolli Irene Martin and Marcelo Coppolecchia Stancanelli. As for the written press, are as responsible Walter Carzon, Ma Amalia Aiko Bernat and Nohara. View data.

5) was voted to request notes the inclusion of our sub-basin, the River Basin Committee Sauce Grande and thus outline clear guidelines for the protection of our aquifer.
6) It was decided to ask the municipality to implement precisely what Mr. Montoya has announced Contingency Plan, published in Neighbors Blog ( on social assistance to provide storage tanks to low-income people in Villa Ventana.

7) Because of contamination of non-potable water network (visually very similar to stream water) suffered by residents from all walks of Villa Ventana past few days after rain, and taking into account that the Decree Health Emergency has not been repealed, it shall require the delivery of bottled water tap as a prerequisite for ensuring the health of the population.

8) Ask the continuity of the water table with the participation of all stakeholders, to which are designated as representatives of this Assembly Ma Amalia Bernat, Elizabeth Alladio, Joaquin Oliver, and Nestor Cospito.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

South Park Free Episodes Quicktime


population was informed that because of the rain produced on 03 - 02-2010 webs were affected, which are stabilized and is expected to be reestablished in the next few hours. For this reason, the tap water has a turbidity temporary.
However, drinking water can be drawn against the Association Development in a tank capacity of 2700 liters, drinkable.
also inform them that the transport of water at home are fully suspended.
Following the press release for information from the drinking water network of Villa Ventana, it informs the public that due to the turbidity temporary (given by the flood of A º del Oro) that is occurring in the water, this Delegation Villa Ventana through the Office of Water Villa Ventana, begin inspections by different neighboring tanks in minutes checking and confirming the status of them. In rare cases of extreme need to send staff shall to clean them from the moment that the tap water reaches its natural transparency.
attention is drawn to the neighbors through the Health Ministry intensifies water monitoring network.
Where necessary will continue with ABSA tanker truck delivering water to homes, such requests must be made "ONLY TOMORROW" AT THE TIME OF 06.00 A 11.00 HS. to 4910227 (Office of Water Villa Ventana), this is simply a ratio of organization.
request population greater understanding and cooperation in this predicament in which we live. Thank

Beer Pong Blueprint Table


Dear Mr. Montoya:

view of the evidence on Wednesday February 3, we fit many questions we would ask, please, to reply.

02/FEB Day we had just a trickle by the end of an hour and a half to two hours in the path of our home, we should collect in a container to pump our tank and then pumped to our tank again (implying considerable energy expenditure).

And we had already inexplicably 03/FEB water from around 09 pm NO cuts, with a lot of pressure (normal in our home) but very cloudy, light brown as witnesses in photos that we have taken in our kitchen (we assume that land is) and send attached.

Please, kindly be good enough to explain what should this manifest difference in the amount of water supplied by network, having 48 mm rain in our rain gauge blessed just around 07 pm on Wednesday 03/FEB, but it seems impossible that these volumes have come so quickly filter (in just a couple of hours) NAPAS to feed the wells that we are supposedly providing "safe water."

also urge URGENT Biological and Chemical analsis this cloudy water has been dumped back to our network of Villa Ventana and inspires us a lot of mistrust they do not meet at least ONE of the requirements to be considered DRINKING WATER: to clear the water that comes out of our taps is not colorless. Nor do we know or we are uncertain about the quality of water we are providing in this way.

Another objection that we should be to point out is that the conditions in which it is being provided Tacuarita Cistern (deduce that tanker) remain exactly the same conditions to summer past, as evidenced also send pictures attached.

The photo without bars is the summer of 2009 and the picture with bars we have taken the day 03/02/1910. But in both pictures you can see that an orange plastic hose lying on the lot of the Cistern Tacuarita lying on the grass and its distal end is inserted under the lid ajar of the tank, although we have warned yourself the subject as stated in our mail down below.

This untidiness PREVENTS , which ensure the optimum quality of drinking water provided to us, could have been easily corrected with the installation valve system with quick. NO This implementation would have entailed high costs at all and have had sufficient time during 2009.

Please, I beg to answer all these questions that cause a lot of distrust and discomfort in our population, especially the health of the elderly and children who are more exposed to be affected.

wish and deserve to receive good quality drinking water and required quantity. But our claims adequate volume and pressure, should not imply that supply us with muddy water of dubious potability.

Atte., Néstor Cospito and Haydee Nohara - Villa Ventana.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sample Request For Donation Letter To The Ch

urgently need a piece of water in Villa Ventana

Hayde Write Nohara

We have received official communication on the subject of ref. indicating new schedule of water supply for Villa Ventana, in attachment and post down below.


In our home the very low water pressure, low volume is the VITAL for water resources, totally impossible that the water comes to our home network, the entire internal network our home (which is a few centimeters above the slope in the road network).

barely managed to get a trickle of water, with lots of air prior to the INPUT our home almost on the street.

With a hose trickle take that turning it over to a drum of 80 liters next to the entrance gate, and then pumped to the tank, the volume that we could make during the provision that is "minor" the officially announced. From the tank, finally, we pump the tank again.

We are consuming enough energy for this process makes us absolute "privilege" to the plight of many others who DO NOT GET WATER AT ALL. And this is because we are on the last street (downhill) of the sector which is fed by Cistern CPT is ± 50 m above. The houses are close to the village tanks , probably will not have good provision for the low pressure.

And our "eternal" Unfortunately (because it has been suffering from lack of water many years ago, according to older people) is that with the rain but obviously we all breathe ALL INCOMPREHENSIBLE immediately forget these AILMENTS DURING FAILURE of the vital and basic living ....

can not understand how we may need to be dependent on rainfall having a AQUIFER LIMITED underground but it's there to provide us and our authorities WE ARE DENYING THE POSSIBILITY OF TAKING ADVANTAGE .

The OBRA in the pine forest, by the satisfactory results were obtained with exploratory studies, have been continuously SHOULD IMMEDIATELY. But in 2009 they have delayed so treacherously that inspires us a lot of suspicion and far more than they are once again postponed to NOVIEMBRE/2010.

¿Why NEGLIGENCE be much ...??? They have done absolutely nothing works, only to put bars on the points and a new well supply days ago in Villa Ventana, according to Mr. Montoya, has come to all of us $ 60,000 .- and that just has a very poor performance 1,200 liters / hour. As also one ABSA truck that is carrying the water "at home" to those who request it but with the delay deductible involved and that produces so much tension in the people who can not wait days to be provided by a truck .. .(¡¡¡¿¿¿...???!!!!!!!!!!).

The proposal that we had presented originally was to continue doing WELL in Villa Ventana to continue reducing the recovery of the Well of Making of the English (???), when the cost of 10 of these wells paupers could, once and specify the pipeline from El Pinar.

¿Why the CORDURA NO FIRST and the SENSE ???????

¿How long will we continue to claim for it ...???

seconds ago it was raining just a few minutes, just stop and the winds will be cleaning other way of bringing it to rain over North fact happens 9 out of 10 as characteristic of this zone at the gates of Patagonia region of transition between the Pampas and the Patagonian steppe. REALITY is prevailing against it and nothing can be done.

So LOGIC and common sense dictate that we must have a WATER WORK URGENTLY to avoid all these diseases that are repeated year after year, unless nature regale us fruitful periods of rain. But the evidence is "screaming" alternating periods of drought across the climate change on the planet. We then ALL THAT PREVENTION ACT.

only ask sanity and good sense to give priority to basic needs and vital as is WATER. therefore can not support or accept both Waste of very limited economic resources are always clamoring public officials as an excuse, but remarkably they turn SUMS SIDEREAL (millions of pesos or dollars) in business (lace-gutter current work in the midst of this terrible drought and we're getting the little water we have left!, asphalt, LPG plant) because everything has to be profitable, and it follows that our lives are not profitable (??????????). wrongly some people in this town of Villa Ventana believe that these real estate business by adding value to their properties without water ... but what value can have any property?? many contradictions that govern the human being ... They are scaring tourism every year ... ¿How will restore the good image of Villa Ventana to welcome tourists ...??

Asphalt MUST NOT BE ALLOWED in our people "saw", not just the style that characterizes so special is the treasure that we should preserve VALUE AS A TOURIST (the beautiful contrast to keep the cities from which all escape on holiday to enjoy the contact with the "earth" nature), but also because it takes away a lot of permeable surface to feed our filtered NAPAS finally give us the DRINKING WATER Well Making of the English, as well as in El Pinar where much of the aquifer this sub is channeled downhill.

hope the answers that people expect REPRESENTATIVE happily come some day, Kind regards.

Haydée Nohara - Villa Ventana.

Source News Tornquist