Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sheraton On The Park Gym

The change of seasons ..... Thinking

This image taken from the network, I use to illustrate my words. If there is anything that stands now in the landscapes of Andalusia, is the change of color, those are pure brown autumn. But while these hours, or tomorrow when the car pack and go through the same places or new, our eyes will be filled roasted red light, only in this season.

images that we accumulate in our minds and bring us warmth and the remembrance of other places where we went. So I was, not many days traveling a road to years that did not happen. The tops of the trees and autumn were becoming, the feeling was extremely young. Poetically sound, was to sound spontaneous lines of Machado. But I just was looking around me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Custom Bmx Colors Ideas

Note delivered to the City Council of Tornquist

Villa Ventana, October 4, 2010

Honorable Council Municipality Tornquist
S / D
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... We are writing to you in order to make them aware of the Judicial resolution of the Juvenile Court by Dr. Claudia Olivera Guarantee Judge Young, Judicial Dept No. 1 of Bahía Blanca, who disclaims the minors suspected by attacks and threats made in a shop downtown and in the chapel of Villa Ventana produced on 09/06/2009. At that time

Security Secretary Mr. Jose Luis Vallejos at an assembly held at the Plaza Salerno, heard from many neighbors and teachers the disagreement for the line of inquiry that were carried forward and pointing and involved two students under the ESB N º 4 de Villa Ventana. Despite this vehement claims, this research deepened until the raid on the homes of children with all the moral and psychological damage that this has entailed for themselves and their families. Today the Court with this ruling gives final la razón a los vecinos, profesores, compañeros y familiares que clamaban por su inocencia.

Por lo anteriormente expuesto solicitamos a Uds. entrevistar al Secretario de Seguridad para que explique a la comunidad los siguientes ítems:
En qué pruebas y testimonios se basaron para decidir esa línea investigativa que culminó, como era previsible, queriendo culpar a inocentes

Cuáles eran las otras posibles líneas de investigación y qué aconteció con ellas

Qué se piensa hacer de ahora en más, teniendo en cuenta el fallo de la Justicia anteriormente descripto y las otras graves amenazas que han sufrido vecinos of our community in February this year which have also been reported and became public through the media consider

clarify all these questions is essential to end impunity for the attacks and to ensure the safety of all residents and the rule of law which denounces our Constitution, bearing in mind that these unfortunate events occurred in the context of a legitimate claim to the neighbors about the issue of water supply and gas, which still remain unresolved at today's date.
is highly disturbing that in the context of the question or objection Democracy of citizens to a Public Works trigger reactions in such unacceptable that violate the precepts of our Constitution and we refer to old and dark periods of our country.

remain, and waiting for a prompt response we greet you cordially.

Neighborhood Assembly
Villa Ventana

Contact Telephone: 4910137

4910017 E-mail Contact GAS: VILLA