Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dutchman Travel Trailer For Sale

Deconstructing "Menu of the day you

I dismounted trying to find in one of your corners, and now can not remember as your pieces fit ... without me ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sample Request For Donation Letter To The Church

How difficult is to guess when we do not understand the signals, perhaps relocate the map upside , or menu is not expected ... Learn to enjoy travel and wine.
And start again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Escape From Guantanamo Bay Bottomless Scene

Dream Weaver

The dream weaver weaving left for health reasons.
Just knitting night, people did not learn to dream of the day. And light is mingled yarn, made knots of time and never ended, incomplete dream one night, and another ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watch I Still Dream Of Jeannie

Comet Music

keep you tied to my balcony,
do not go away with the wind ...
always compare you to a kite,
but I never had any to learn to fly. I
knots in my hand to your mouth
do not leak

to not forget ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thing To Put In Your Shoes To Make You Taller

He played alone for anyone to remember that no one knew the songs ... so you will not reproach clutter sheet music, cello dust escape from almost all the notes in his notebook of sadness ...
He played one so that no one broke the silence, his soul, from song to song ...
To not share the time being ...
No one taught you can never stop time if you play together, share the purpose, principles,
... and fly ...